Archive for the ‘ Uncategorized’ Category
Friday, January 3rd, 2014
Project Runway contestant Korto Momolu won a recent fashion challenge with a sleek white pantsuit, utilizing the vibrant pink hue “Radiant Orchid” in stylish panels on the jacket front.

Contestants Seth Aaron Henderson and Elena Slivnyak, as well as, Viktor Luna and Christopher Palu, also designed outfits featuring Pantone’s trending “Color of the Year”.
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Thursday, January 2nd, 2014
Each year the Pantone color experts research and follow trends in pop culture, media, and new technology formulating what will be the popular color palette of the coming year. Our bbrooks member Floral Art, in Venice, CA shares some of their favorites on a recent blogspot!
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Friday, December 13th, 2013
Today is Friday the 13th, known by many as the unluckiest day of the year.
There next occurrence will be June 2014. It will be the sole occurrence for that year. In the Gregorian calendar, Friday the 13th always occurs at least once a year and can appear up to three times in any one year.
While many will laugh off the superstitious day, others will remain in bed paralyzed by fear by the phobia known as friggatriskaidekaphobia. (!) The word comes from Frigga, the name of the Norse goddess for whom Friday is named, and triskaidekaphobia, or fear of the number thirteen. It is also sometimes called paraskevidekatriaphobia, from the Greek Paraskevi for Friday, Dekatreis for thirteen and phobia for fear.
To read more see
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Wednesday, November 6th, 2013
Recently at Rebecca Hossack Gallery NYC ~ Klaus Enrique: The Reaping.
A series of photographic portraits, Enrique’s creations complicate and investigate notions of the ephemeral. Utilizing materials such as fruits, vegetables, flowers, and other organic materials, Enrique produces glorious human forms and captures them in a rare moment of ripeness, preserving the perfection that precedes inevitable decay. Enrique breathes new life into these forms, harvesting, reaping, and reconfiguring them as beautiful, often dark portraits.
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Friday, October 25th, 2013
“Halloween used to be so simple. You got a punkin, cut off it’s stringy orange insides, and carved a face on it that looked like your brother. But, that just wasn’t good enough for some folks…
I blame the zombies… You can’t swing a dead cat this time of year without knocking a few down like bowling pins, which is not hard to do, considering they move a the pace of a box turtle…
Mostly, I love Halloween because it is the orange-and-black beginning of a season that tumbles into Thanksgiving, which tumbles into Christmas. And zombies just seem out of place in that…
The iconic image of Halloween should be, as God intended, the punkin. The punkin, carved into faces that are scary only because we want them to be, winking from every front porch. The punkin, cast in plastic, swinging from the hands of knee- high princesses, leering back from department store shelves, until it gives way to tins of butter cookies.
But I fear for the punkin. How long before he is kicked down the street by zombie hordes, booted into obsurity?
Young people tell me that no one- no one- want to dress up like a punkin anymore. All a punkin does, they say, is sit there, and glow.
This may be true, all of it. But, try to make a pie out of a zombie and see where that gets you.”
As seen in Rick Bragg’s Southern Journal article, Southern Living, October 2013.
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Friday, October 4th, 2013
Eddie Zaratsian of long-time bbrooks member florist, Tic-Tock, is receiving much praise for his new book, “Eddie Zaratsian Custom Florals and Lifestyle“.
To learn more about Eddie, please see and

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Monday, September 30th, 2013
These simple, elegant arrangements of Dahlias, Roses and Montbretia, in late summer/fall tones, add just the right touches of color to Sam Beall’s rustic-meets-refined dinner party at Blackberry Farm in the idyllic Smoky Mountain foothils. As seen in Southern Living magazine, October 2013 issue.

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Monday, August 12th, 2013
These little guys from Eco-Goats are cleaning up the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, DC! Awesome cute!

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Friday, June 21st, 2013
Sean McGowan of bbrooks member Modern Floristry in Los Angeles is a featured stylist of Kitchen of the Month in the March 2013 issue of House Beautiful.

The Salt Lake City native has been a floral and garden designer in Los Angeles for the past two decades. He shares, “Flowers are usually just seen as the icing on the cake, but I think they’re so much more than that!”
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Monday, June 17th, 2013
Town & Country magazine, Spring issue, artfully uses florals to highlight the spring fashion lines of noted designers such as Christian Dior, Carolina Herrera, Oscar de la Renta, Ralph Lauren, Chanel, Moschino, Dolce & Gabbana, and Donna Karan.
Seen at left is Donna Karan New York gown ($6,800); Sophie McElligott headband (price on request); Tom Binns necklace ($1,315); Erickson Beamon earrings ($54); Chanel rings (prices on request); Kim Lone umbrella (price on request).
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