b.brooks fine flowers
 Welcome to bbrooks fine flowers®    
 Make Better Arrangements™

Holiday Greetings and a special gift for you…

bbrooks fine flowers® wants to wish you a very happy holiday season.

In addition to the donation to Point Reyes National Seashore Association on behalf of bbrooks member florists, our friends and our colleagues, we’ve constructed a computer desktop calendar so you can enjoy the great outdoors on your computer for the entire upcoming year.


Select the link below that best matches the screen resolution of your current computer. On a PC, right click on the image and SET AS DESKTOP BACKGROUND. If you’re using a MAC, click the corresponding link and save the image to your computer in a location of your choice, then use SYSTEM PREFERENCES / DESKTOP & SCREENSAVER to set the image as your desktop.

800 x 600 1024 x 768 1280 x 800

1280 x 1024  1440 x 900 | 2560 x 1440

From its thunderous ocean breakers crashing against rocky headlands and expansive sand beaches to its open grasslands, brushy hillsides and forested ridges, Point Reyes offers visitors over 1000 species of plants and animals to discover. Home to several cultures over thousands of years, the Seashore preserves a tapestry of stories and interactions of people. Point Reyes is a very special place to celebrate the great outdoors.

We are very happy to be able to wish you a very happy holiday and a prosperous new year, and do hope you can enjoy the great outdoors, if not in person, then on your computer screen every day of the coming year.


Your Colleagues at bbrooks fine flowers®